Add: No 51 Qingxia Road, Chengyang District,

Qingdao City, China


Mobile: +86-13375551272 /  +86-18306396779

Tel: +86-532-66721918



© Qingdao Topak Paper Products Co., Ltd

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We at Topak specialised in recyclable and biodegradable paper-based products for 20+ years. Our focus is to provide eco-friendly products to the masses to support the sustainability of the environment for future generations. Our eco-friendly, biodegradable paper straws are a step towards this direction. We have designed the paper straws from food grade material in such a manner which can later be recycled as wood pulp and utilised for the production of paper. Our paper straws have undergone FDA and SC testing to ensure both the highest quality and safety standards are met to protect our consumers. We at Topak care about our impact on the future, and by replacing a product as simple as a plastic straw with a paper based straw, which may seem insignificant, can accumulate to a better future for all.
We provide our customers with a wide range high quality products, including:
• Tulip and Lotus Muffin Cup/Baking Cup,
• Cake Board/ Cake Box/Cake Tray,
• Kraft Food Tray,
• and Paper Drinking Straw, etc.
With our 20+ Years of Experience, Comprehensive Knowledge and Expertise in the industry, we are professional in production and management, and we can be a sustainable partner to assist our customers to ensure an expanding strategy and developed business.

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